The Law Office of Azuka L. Uzoh is committed to providing affordable, quality legal services to our clients. We pride our self in fashioning services that are suitable to our clients regardless of their means. We offer full legal representation as well unbundled, legal services for our clients.
A vast portion of our communities can ill afford legal representation when needed as a result become disadvantage in our complex legal system and often time short changed by the very system designed to accord them justice.
Prior to becoming an attorney, Mr. Uzoh worked 22 years as a professional Manufacturing and Quality Engineer where he was recognized as a new technology and business development specialist. He earned numerous awards for his management and leadership skills. Mr. Uzoh has participated in extensive leadership training at the famed Dale Carnegie Training Center.
Mr. Uzoh is a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and the Consumer Attorney Association of Los Angeles. Mr. Uzoh served as Executive Director of the Los Angeles Housing Law Project where he worked on Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP) with the Los Angeles Housing Department. He is currently a Board member of the Los Angeles Housing Law Project.
Mr. Uzoh earned his Bachelor’s of Art degree in Engineering from Weber State University and his Jurist Doctorate Degree from the University of West Los Angeles.
To some, justice means getting paid for their trouble. For others, it means preventing their injustice from happening to anyone else. We take the time to understand what justice means to you.