1. What laws are covered under the Corporate Compliance Program?
2. It is only the Compliance Officer’s responsibility to report issues relative to adherence to the organization’s policies and compliance with laws, regulations and ethical behaviors in conducting organizational business activities
3. Employees are not expected to :
4. What agencies scrutinize our bills for accuracy?
5. All billing records are retained for 10 years.
6. Who functions as Ideal HomeHealth Care Compliance Officer?
7. What action will Not lead to disciplinary action against an employee?
8. All investigations of misconduct will be kept within the organization. Ideal HomeHealth Care will not self-report the existence of misconduct to any governmental authority or regulatory agency.
9. When reporting an incident, an employee may remain anonymous, but the Compliance Officer is not responsible for investigating reports of possible violations from an anonymous source.
10. What compliance activities and audits occur at Ideal HomeHealth Care?