Those at risk for abuse are primarily females
2. If you need to report a case of suspected abuse, who would you contact?
3. Forms of elder abuse can include: (Circle all that apply):
4. Put a “P” in front of the signs pertaining to Physical abuse; an “E” for Emotional abuse; an “S” for Sexual abuse, or an “F” for Financial abuse:

Cashing an elderly person’s check without permission

Bruises, welts, burns, new scars

Ignoring patient and subjecting them to “the silent treatment”

Torn, stained or bloody underclothing

Bruises around breasts or genitalia

Over- or under-medication

Threatening, insulting or calling patient names

Stealing clothes, jewelry or anything the patient owns

5. Self-neglect is when an elderly patient threatens his/her own safety or health by refusing needed food, water, clothing or medication?
Warning signs of abuse may include (please provide 3):
6. All Ideal HomeHealth Care caregivers are not required by law to report actual or suspected violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation of a person under their care.