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    Mon-Fri 09:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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General Medicine

General Medicine


MedTrust Staffing team consist of experienced medical professions, such as medical doctors (Physicians) and nurses who understand the need for patient’s good care and treatment. The staff members we provide for assignments are aware that their duties include but not limited to assessing and planning nursing care requirements, providing pre- and post- operation care, monitoring and administering medication and intravenous infusions, taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressures, writing records, supervising junior staff, and organizing workloads. While general nurses fall into two categories: RNs and LPNs, common duties include recording vital signs, providing in-home care, and supervising the work of certified nurse assistants (CNAs). They also complete clerical tasks, such as managing patient records and appointments. However, our staff members are always enthusiastic in performing their duties.
