About Our Company

What is our mission?
The Model Alliance believes that models deserve fair treatment in their workplace, and we aim to establish ethical standards that bring real and lasting change to the fashion industry as a whole. We seek to improve the American modeling industry by empowering the models themselves, and we do so by taking the following steps:

Our Initiatives & Services

  • Backstage Privacy
  • Model Alliance Support
  • Models’ Bill of Rights
  • Child Models
Protecting NYC’s Freelance Workers

The Model Alliance is pleased that New York City is working to protect freelancers and provides a dedicated resource for workplace questions and complaints at the Office of Labor Policy and Standards.
The following overview outlines information on important rights and resources for NYC's freelance workers.
Model Alliance Workshop

Given the multi-level structure of hiring in the fashion industry, many models, hairdressers, make-up artists, stylists and photographers share similar experiences with respect to financial transparency and accountability, fair contracts, and control over their work. This workshop is open to professional models

Today is World Day Against #ChildLabor. It's also the 4th anniversary of the passage of the Child Model Act!
More:… https://t.co/A5fRle1vIK, Jun 13
RT @NYCDCA: Thank you, @ModelAllianceNY for a great workshop w/ many #FacesofFreelancers & for strong advocacy of workers' righ…

Become a Member


Effective November 20, 2013, child models who live or work in New York State are covered by NY's Labor Law and applicable regulations as child performers. Parents and/or guardians must obtain valid Child Performer Permits for their children, so their child models are eligible to work in the state.
Get everything you need to know here

We offer Model Alliance Support as a free, discreet reporting service to our members. Members can safely report and request assistance with work related problems, such as:
•Instances of harassment
•Unresponsive representation
•Payment delays
Read more here