
Daily Schedule

Since we are caring for children with ages ranging from newborn though school age, flexibility for the program is important as the needs of the infants and children are constantly changing and developing. Generally, daily activities are arranged around naptimes, meals and snacks. An individualized daily program for each child recognizes their different needs and allows the youngest children to nap when they are tired, eat as they become hungry and play with the toys that interest them. As weather per permits. mits, outside activities, which take advantage of our large play yard and patio, where tricycles and bike riding, climbing, sliding, water play, swinging, running and other large muscle activities are encouraged. Painting, clay, art materials and crayons are made available to the children. Puzzles and books encourage cognitive development, Legos, blocks and other toys invite manipulation and construction. Musical instruments, tapes, CD’s, and musical toys encourage singing, dance and other rhythmic activities. A variety of dolls, soft stuffed animals, housekeeping furniture and cooking utensils lead to imaginative play while a variety of hats, dress-up clothes, costumes and puppets lead to dramatic play.

Young children, toddlers and babies enjoy a structured schedule that allows for flexibility. A schedule helps the day to flow more smoothly, allow the children to anticipate the coming events, and aids in achieving a variety of goals. We will adhere to our written schedule to the best of our ability, keeping in mind that anything can happen when children are involved. There will be times when we have to make adjustments to the schedule.

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