A pet is certainly a great friend

If you are a pet lover then you need to look no further for ways to get rid of pet odors in your home or car. The Aireox Air Purifiers for the home or car is a safe way to control pet odors. No more sprays that are harmful to both you and your pet.

Also click:

PET Dander / Hair
Asthma/ Allergies

A testimony from a happy customer 

My daughter has terrible allergies, but she really desired a kitten. What was I to do? Her nose was always running with just the normal allergies and now she wanted a kitten too. Kids need animals. So I purchased an Aireox Room Air Purifier. We keep it in her room. Not only does she sleep better due to the air purifier, we also brought home a kitten for her. It sleeps in her room and has her litter box in there also. Sometimes we don't even know the cat box has been used because the Aireox eliminates the smell so quickly. Even better, when she wakes up in the morning she no longer has the horrible runny nose.


Traveling With Your Pet

If your only going around the corner with your dog to your favorite park or taking a longer trip your car can always have that fresh feel and smell to it with the Aireox Car Air Purifier. But don’t just think it is used just for dogs, traveling with a cat and having a cat box in the car can make your car smell just as bad.




A testimony from a happy customer

I love traveling with my dog taking her everywhere I go but my car always reeked. After putting the Aireox Car Air Purifier in my car, I now can ride with my windows up and even have friends ride with me. I don’t have to worry or be embarrass about the smell.

A Few Facts for You and Your Pet

  • Dogs may enjoy sticking their heads out the window, but according to the ASPCA riding this way could cause ear damage.
  • Also according to the AAA about 30,000 accidents are caused each year by an unrestrained pet in the front seat. Also pets that freely wonder in the vehicle are more likely to be injured in the event of an accident.
  • Don’t let your cat drive!