Roadway Design / Studies


I-5/George Hopper Rd Interchange Pre-Design
, Burlington WA. Conducted study which involved development and operational analysis of multiple design options with and without widening of I-5. Project explored one, two and three lane roundabout options and several loop ramp configurations to minimize queuing and LOS problems on George Hopper Road and still fit within I-5 on-ramp length limitations. Project also included: update and refinement of traffic model forecasts for three horizon years; constructability analysis and cost estimates with assistance of a sub consultant; and interaction with a steering committee composed of WSDOT, City and County personnel.

SR 150 Widening Plans, Manson, WA. Developed PS&E for roadway widening, channelization and illumination for two-way-left turn lane to serve a resort development near Manson. Coordinated project development with adjacent projects as well as construction management effort."

SR 161 Corridor Analysis between 8th St E/Milton Way and 36th St E, Edgewood, WA. This project consisted of a “Context Sensitive” pre-design level analysis of a to-be-widened two-mile section of SR 161. The proposed WSDOT design called for a typical 5-lane section, whereas the City was interested in a lesser section, if possible. WPA, working as a sub-consultant, proposed 5 alternative designs that would operate satisfactorily while minimizing project pavement width. These were reviewed with a steering committee composed of City, property owners and WSDOT. In order to confidently analyze intersection operations, a fine-zoned traffic model was windowed out of the regional model for this effort. Project included 15 signalized and unsignalized intersections and review of modern roundabout designs as part of an effort to enhance community acceptance.

Big Rock Road Realignment, from SR 203 to 1,800 feet east, Duvall, WA. Prepared plan, profile, and cross-section design for a major city arterial realignment through partial wetland area with abutting major development proposals.  Argued successfully for use of low speed urban design policy for S-curve alignment.  Project also included 1400 feet of channelization plans on SR 203 including two intersections with spacing issues vis-a-vis WSDOT standards.

Bellevue Way SE, SE 8th Street to I-90, Bellevue, WA.  Prepared P.S. & E. including roadway widening, bikeways and sidewalks, rockeries, landscaping, illumination and channelization for 1.5 miles of arterial street.  Project also included signal design at three major intersections.  One intersection pioneered the use of the signal bridge as a local jurisdiction application.

Old Main Street, 100th Avenue to Bellevue Way, Bellevue, WA.  Provided traffic design concepts and arguments for two-lane section with on-street parking and bulbed curbs and assisted in final design and stakeholder coordination of successful urban design and walkway treatment and reconstruction of street.

South 192nd Street Corridor Study,
South King County.  Feasibility study addressed reconstruction of South 192nd Street between 108th Avenue SE (SR 515) and the Valley Freeway.  The study focused on the identification and evaluation of route alternatives with considerations given to residential impacts, traffic patterns and corridor needs, topographic constraints and estimated costs.

SR 901 Extension, Route Reconnaissance Study, SR 520 to Northeast 85th Street,
Redmond, WA.  Study addressed two route alternatives with structure crossings of SR 908 and Burlington Northern Railroad.  Study included traffic forecasts, operation analysis, horizontal and vertical alignment, quantities, and cost estimates.  Project has been constructed in the recommended configuration.

NE 100th Street Extension Reconnaissance Study, Avondale Road to Education Hill, Redmond, Washington.  Conducted a feasibility study to construct NE 100th Street from Avondale Road to Education Hill.  The study focused on the identification and evaluation of route alternatives with considerations given to residential impacts, traffic patterns, topographic constraints, wetland issues and estimated costs. 

Northeast Fourth Street/I-405 Interchange Access Study, Bellevue Washington.  Developed plan for major modification to I-405 freeway in downtown Bellevue.  Work involved obtaining funds for study from Washington State Legislative Transportation Committee; revision of areawide population and employment forecasts; development of sub-area model forecasts; preliminary geometric design of alternatives and freeway operation analyses; cost estimates; schedule; report; and coordination with City Council, Community, and WSDOT.