
BLOG, VLOG, Partnership Pitch Consideration Form

Submission disclaimers: We charge a $5 submission fee because we review each submission to be sure it aligns with our mission and goal. Additionally, we seek to be a resource to you and should your submission not be selected we provide you with valuable feedback.

As with anything on this site, our main goal is to educate. Completing this submission form in its entirety will help the submitter to create his/her elevator speech. An elevator speech is meant to be a clear and concise message about yourself/brand/product/service. You should have an elevator speech for each service or product you offer. The most common mistake in forming an elevator speech is neglecting to share the WIIFM. WIIFM is sales lingo and stands for What’s In It For Me.

What do you do, is a typical icebreaker that creates a sense of apathy in many people. This apathy arises for two main reasons:

  1. Most people have not perfected their elevator speech and can’t quickly provide a WIIFM. To be honest, your elevator speech may forever be evolving.
  2. Many people are skeptical of people, assuming that the one asking, what do you do, doesn’t care or wants to know only to use him/her. Well, in business you want to be of use because that is how you get paid.

So, before we ask you what do you do, please provide your payment information.
Thank you for your purchase. Now here is where we ask you, what do you do?
Partnership Pitch