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‘Muhuratham’ means a moment. We live our lives moment by moment. When we receive good planetary energies, that moment is called ‘auspicious moment’ and if the planets deliver bad energies, then it is called ‘bad moment’. In Astrology, we prepare the birth chart of an individual based on the moment of his/her birth. Muhurta or electional astrology this birth chart indicates whether the individual becomes successful or not in his life depending upon the type of planetary energies at that moment. In the same way, when we start a new venture or business, we can construct a chart for that moment. This chart represents whether that new venture or business will be successful or not. This chart which is prepared to know the outcome of a venture or event is called ‘Muhuratham chart’.

Importance of Muhuratham

If the Muhuratham chart shows good planetary energies, then that venture becomes a successful one. So it is better to select an auspicious moment (Good Muhuratham) for starting any venture so that the chances of success will increase. This applies to all important events in life. For example, if a person gets married in a good Muhuratham, then his married life will be good.

Some Astrologers are of the opinion that a beggar can become a king by starting his works in good Muhurathams. This is wrong. It happens only if the beggar Has the planetary position to become a king in his birth chart. By following good Muhuratham, the beggar can become a king in less time and with less effort... This is how Muhuratham helps. Let us take another example. In a native’s birth chart, there is an indication that he will not get children. But if a good Muhuratham Is set for his marriage and nuptials, then the chances of getting children will increase and he may be blessed with children. Setting good Muhurathams for all Important events of life in such a way that the person will become highly successful in all areas are called ‘Electional Astrology’.