Best Immigration Services, Inc focuses on helping you with all your immigration needs by processing your applications and petitions efficiently, keeping track of and informing you periodically on the status of all your immigration cases, and providing you with the highest quality of professional service. Over the past 15 years, we have assisted people from a variety of countries in the filing of more than 10,000 petitions for over 5,000 individuals. Our extensive experience in filling all king of immigration forms and petitions allows us to help you solve all of your immigration-related challenges. Our fees are very competitive.
Best Immigration Services, Inc is not a law firm and is not affiliated with any law firm. We do not offer legal advice on any immigration matters. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH USCIS AND ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY.
The content of this website does not offer legal advice of any kind, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. You should not reach any legal conclusions based on the information contained herein without first seeking the advice of private legal counsel.