Well Child Exams and Immunizations

Why are well-child exams important ?

There are several reasons to schedule regular well-child examinations from the time you bring your baby home until you send him or her off to college. The benefits of well-child visits include:

Tracking Growth and Development

Over time, the information collected during well-child visits provides a big-picture view of how your child is developing. That data can help Dr. Lalezary determine if there are any developmental concerns and also provides a chance for you to ask any questions about significant milestones.

Disease Prevention

Part of the well-child exam includes a review of your child’s immunization record. During these visits, Dr. Lalezary gives your child necessary immunizations to keep them safe from serious illness.

Parent/Provider Communication

During a well-child exam, parents have the chance to raise any concerns they have about their child’s health, behavior, sleep patterns, or nutrition. Writing these questions down in advance can help ensure nothing is overlooked.

Building Trust

Far too many children fear going to the doctor, and that fear can continue into adulthood. Regular well-child exams promote a bond between physicians and their youngest patients. That trust allows kids to seek medical care when needed, both during childhood and as adults.

What happens during a well-child exam ?

When you come to Gardens Medical Center for a well-child exam, Dr. Lalezary begins by asking about your child’s health history. If you’ve seen him for previous visits, he notes any changes in your child’s medical chart.

A thorough physical exam is the central component of a well-child visit. Dr. Lalezary weighs and measures your child to check for proper development. Inspections of the eyes, ears, and throat are common, as is a quick check of your child’s lung function.

If there are any signs of illness, Dr. Lalezary may recommend additional screenings.

During the exam, there’s plenty of time to raise any concerns you have or to ask questions. You should encourage your child to speak up with their own questions, as this provides excellent modeling for their medical care as adults.

Finally, Dr. Lalezary gives any necessary immunizations at the end of the appointment and provides an updated shot record.

How important are immunizations ?

Childhood immunizations are important on both personal and a public health levels. Many deadly diseases that used to decimate entire populations have now been fully or nearly eradicated through large-scale immunization.

Because American children receive routine vaccinations for diseases like polio, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, and rubella, they’re able to grow up in a nation where those dangers are largely absent.

That said, the power of immunizations depends on the active participation of the vast majority of the population. There are still parts of the world where these diseases remain a public health risk, and when American children don’t get immunized, they can get sick if they come in contact with an infected person.