
latest games

Saturday Schedule, June 26 (Day 1)


Sunday Schedule, June 27 (Day 2)

SGame # Teams Time

Penalty Shoot-out for Ladies/First Round. 2:00 pm (10 mins)
Semifinals I : Winner of G.A vs Second Place G.B, 2:15 pm (15/5/15)
Semifinals II : Winner of G.B vs Second Place G.A, 2:50 pm
Kids Game: Griffin/Brazilian vs Central Brooklyn, 3:25 pm (15/5/15)
Penalty Shoot-out for Ladies/Final Round, 4:00 pm (10 Mins)
All Manning vs All DaCosta (0ver 50), 4:15 pm (25/10/25)
JAFT (All Schools) Master's Tournament/Finals (Winner I v II) @ 5:15 PM – 6:05 PM. (20/10/20