General Dental Care

At Center City Emergency Dentist, we do more than just emergencies. Need a general check-up and cleaning appointment? Philadelphia, we've got you covered. Our hygienists are always available for cleanings and routine exams to prepare you for the doctor's evaluation. Our facility houses both general dentists as well as specialists to help make your visit worth while.


  • General cleaning (prophylaxis)
  • Deep cleaning (Scaling & Root Planning)
  • PROPHYLAXIS (General Cleaning)

    Visiting the dentist for your routine cleaning is important to maintain good oral health. Dentists recommend patients to come in every 6 months for a Prophy (short for Prophylaxis) to remove residue that can't be removed by brushing and flossing alone at home. This thorough cleaning helps prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease from progressing.

    SCALING & ROOT PLANNING (Deep Cleaning)

    This type of procedure consists of a deep cleaning below the gum line. Patients suffering from gum disease (periodontitis) typically require this type of cleaning and should be done every 3-4 months. Gum disease causes gums to recede and form spaces called pockets. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing alone can't remove the debris stuck in these pockets and will require a dental professional with the right tools to remove them.

    There are 2 parts to a scaling & root planning procedure.

    There are 2 parts to a scaling & root planning procedure :
    1. Scaling removes plaque and tartar from above the gum line all the way to the bottom of the pocket.
    2. Root planning reattaches your gums to your teeth by smoothing out the roots. The procedure may need a local anesthetic and therefore may take more than 1 visit to the dentist to avoid numbing the whole mouth.

    After the procedure, you may feel some pain and sensitivity for up to a week. You may also experience some tenderness, bleeding, and swelling. See the aftercare tips on the right to properly take care of the treated site.


    1. Prevent plaque and tartar from causing problems in the future
    Plaque is a soft, white the residue left on teeth after a meal. Fortunately, plaque can easily be removed through brushing. However, if neglected, this debris can build up and turn into Tartar (also known as calculus), which is a hard buildup that is not easily removed by flossing or brushing. A dental professional such as a dentist or hygienist have the necessary tools and equipment to remove this hard build up that could potentially lead to gum disease.

    2. Who wants bad breath?
    Also known as halitosis, bad breath can be a sign of various oral diseases such as gingivitis/periodontitits. Neglected food debris stuck in between teeth or on the gum line and/or gum infection can cause bad breath. Managing routine check-ups and cleaning with your dentist and hygienist can help prevent bad breath from getting in the way of your daily activities.

    3. Shine bright like a diamond
    Prophylaxis can help remove unwanted stains on teeth. Stained, yellow, and dull colored teeth can hinder your confidence and prevent you from showcasing that smile. At CCED, we want your smile to shine because we believe in good first impressions.


    Our dentists such as Dr. Tummillo, Dr. Koo, and the rest of our providers, recommend that prophylaxis should be done twice a year (or every 6 months) and every 3-4 months for periodontitis cases. In doing so, hard to reach areas brushing and flossing alone can't clean can be taken care of to prevent future oral problems caused by plaque and tartar.

    Center City Emergency Dentist does more than just emergencies. Our facility houses 10+ providers with multiple specialties, our patients have all they need to accomplish their oral needs in half the time compared to getting referred out to a different dentist. From general routine check-ups to emergency dental care, CCED can do it all. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists or to schedule your routine check-up.