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International Association Of Women (IAW)

is committed to help women and young children of all ages, race, and nationality .The IAW is involved in a number of ways to represent women in the USA and in the International Arena. We are committed to undertaking work on specific International endeavours. As well as facilitating the operation of a women's Human Rights working groups.

Women that are forced to flee their country of origin often do so for reasons that differ from male refugees. Women are often victims of sexual violence and many times flee from oppression and persecution from society rather than the state. Often the state is unable or unwilling to protect these women. About 50 per cent of women claiming asylum in the usa and other countries have been raped and many are traumatised due to their experiences. Because women's experiences differ from that of men, they need different treatment and many times there is a lack of awareness about this from officials. Most of the time they are tortured by their husbands or other family members. Many are traumatized due to the physical torture. These women need help. IAW committed to help these women.