Who We Are


Law Advocates LLC was created with one basic, yet vital goal: to put our clients' needs first. While many businesses preach the same message, the firm's interests and the client's interests are not always in sync.

Traditional law firms, on the other hand, have an internal structure that is largely focused on a billable approach, and practitioners are paid or penalized depending on the same. We are not a billable-centered firm; rather, we are and can demonstrate that we are a client-centered practice.

Client comments, savings, case closure rate, trial success, and engagement in the legal and commercial communities are all factors in determining our firm's and individual attorney's success.

We devise litigation strategies that are based not just on the law and facts of each case, but also on our client's broader organizational objectives. We are not only our clients' legal advisers but also their business partners as attorneys.

Our internal structure is based on a thorough understanding of our client’s business models, corporate cultures, organizational issues, and how we can become a valuable member of their teams. We communicate with our clients on a regular basis to discuss case evaluation and litigation tactics, as well as provide advice and provide insight into each phase of the plan.

How to Get Started?

Before deciding whether or not to collaborate with us, we believe you should have the chance to get to know us. We also think that you have the right to know in advance what your planning alternatives are and how much they will cost.

We think that everyone deserves a decent strategy that is tailored to their own needs. To book a complimentary initial consultation, please contact us.