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Market Analysis

Typical Packaging engineering department that consists of , simulation/ modeling engineers and tools and engineers to run the simulation and characterization tools, plus material scientist to study and characterize the assembly materials prior to design and assembly of packages typically cost millions of budget that only mid- size companies with yearly revenues in excess of $250M can afford.

Having worked even in large companies with decentralized business units the resources are available in central R&D lab but typically not utilized by the smaller business units due to lack of proper resources, interface and understanding of the problem and the tools available to solve the problem. As a result the smaller business units suffer from quality issues and yield issues due to the use of uncharacterized materials and the field failures that the founder have been involved in resolving as a consultant.

There are a huge number of companies with revenues less than $250M that can benefit from the services provided by Astropack technology where the Packaging technology is simplified and optimized for cost performance and reliability before going into proto type and production.

The market analysis will be performed after website development this month is completed and the potential target customers are contacted for response and feedback on the need of our services.